14 Jun

A message from St. Basil the Great illustrating Divine Providence...

"The halcyon is a sea bird which nests by the shore, laying its eggs in the sand, and bringing forth its young in the middle of winter; when the sea beats against the land in violent and frequent storms.  But during the seven days while the halcyon broods:  for it takes but seven days to hatch its young:  all winds sink to rest; and the sea grows calm.  And as it then is in need of food for its young ones, the most bountiful God grants this little creature another seven days of calm:  that it may feed its young.  Since all sailors know of this, they give this time the name of the "halcyon days."

These things are ordered by the Providence of God for the creatures that are without reason, that you may be led to seek of God the things you need for your salvation.  And when for this small bird He holds back the great and fearful sea, and bids it be calm in winter, what will He not do for you made in His own image?  And if He should so tenderly cherish the halcyon, how much more will He not give you, when you call upon Him with all your heart?"

CALL TO ACTION:  Graciously accept and submit to ALL that happens to you, knowing that God has your best interest at heart!

Source:  Quote about the halcyon from "The Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers" (St. Basil's Sermon for the 5th Sunday after Easter), Volume II, page 398; Henry Regnery Company (copyright 1955); Imprimatur:  Cornelius Ep. Corcagiensis; Nihil Obstat:  Jacobus Canonicus Bastible, Censor Deputatus

Photo by Nils Soderman