19 Sep

"The body of St. Januarius was taken to Naples and buried in the church where his blood is still preserved in a glass phial.  When the phial is placed near the head of the holy martyr, the blood liquefies and bubbles as if it had just been shed.  The miracle takes place three times each year:  the first time it lasts nine days, beginning on the first Sunday of May; the second time eight days from September 19th to the 26th, and the third time on December 16th."

In light of these three marvelous external proofs of the one true Church's authenticity, it is with great sadness that so many people are resistant to learning about the one saving Faith.  I was made keenly aware of this during a recent conversation with a Protestant who expressed vehement disdain for the Church and its Traditions.  Steeped in his viewpoint that the Bible alone is the sole rule of faith and confident that he is on the right path after much study, he, along with many others, are wallowing in the deceits of Satan who continuously mixes truth with error.  Unfortunately for all these people, the holiness of St. Januarius' life, as evidenced by the annual liquefication of his blood since 305 A.D., is being lost amidst the sham and falsehood of the "Katholyc" church in Rome.

O such sorrow of heart that multitudes are walking the broad road that leads to destruction...

"Enter ye in at the narrow gate:  for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat."  (Matthew 7:13)

CALL TO ACTION:  Judge not by appearances alone.  Read the book, "The Phantom Church in Rome," by T. Stanfill Benns for an explanation of what has happened to the Catholic Church in our times.

Source of quote from first paragraph:  St. Andrew's Daily Missal, page 882; the E. M. Lohmann Co., St. Paul, Minnesota (copyright 1949); Nihil Obstat:  J. Gerard Kealy, D.D., Cens. Theol. Deput.; Imprimatur:  Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Archrepiscopus Chicagiensis

Photo by Slava Pertsev