23 May

"The Church of Christ, which is the pillar and ground of truth, has been brought into existence, is animated and directed by the Holy Ghost; and the Sovereign Pontiff, the Vicar of Christ, and visible head of the Church, is the infallible mouthpiece of the Holy Ghost.  Whosoever, therefore, resists the known truth, sins directly against the Holy Ghost.  He hears the voice of God, but deliberately hardens his heart, and in his wilful blindness prefers the devil, the father of lies, to the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth.  Would that all men heard and followed the voice of the Spirit of Truth!  "To-day if you shall hear His voice, harden not your hearts." . . .  May all men be sensible to the manifest claims of the Catholic Church, the pillar and ground of Truth; and may all recognize in the Sovereign Pontiff the infallible mouthpiece of the Holy Ghost."  Fr. Fiege, The Paraclete.

"Separation from God's holy Church, and opposition to her authority, is so great a crime, says Cardinal Manning, because it is opposition to the divine Spirit embodied in her, a sin against the Holy Ghost.  Apostates, heresiarchs, heretics, and leaders of secession have usually trodden the footprints of the Pharisees. . . .  "The blasphemy against the Holy Ghost," in its fullest meaning, has again been repeated in all heresies and secessions from the unity of the Church.  There are, however, sins not so horrible, but still possessing the very nature of this "blasphemy of the Holy Ghost," and having a tendency toward this great unpardonable sin of which we are speaking.  Profane jesting concerning religion, ridiculing holy things, atheistical views, involving an opposition against natural light, — all these offences participate of the nature and are closely allied to the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.   Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, in some sense, is the consummation of all sins.  It is the ripening into full maturity of the "mystery of iniquity."  It produces in the soul a blindness which is only the foreshadowing darkness, final and eternal."  Abp. Zardetti, Devotion to the Holy Ghost.

CALL TO ACTION:  Pray for the Gift of Knowledge.

The gift of Knowledge enables the soul to evaluate created things at their true worth ~ in their relation to God.  Knowledge unmasks the pretence of creatures, reveals their emptiness, and points out their only true purpose as instruments in the service of God.  It shows us the loving care of God even in adversity, and directs us to glorify Him in every circumstance of life.  Guided by its light, we put first things first, and prize the friendship of God beyond all else.

Source of quotations:  "Fountain of Living Water" by Rev. A. A. Lambing LL.D., 1st paragraph - page & 2nd paragraph - page 228); Fr. Pustet & Co. Publishers and Booksellers (copyright 1907); Nihil Obstat:  Remigius Lafort, S.T.L., Censor; Imprimatur:  John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York

Photo by Iam