09 Jun

In attending a graduation ceremony last month, what was conspicuously missing from all the accolades in reaching this milestone was any mention of gratitude to God!  Without hesitation, therefore, I share an explanation of the Lord's prayer, teaching us to hallow our heavenly Father's most holy name!

Our Father, Who art in Heaven, HALLOWED BE THY NAME...

*  Why does this prayer commence with "OUR FATHER?"  To encourage us thereby to a child-like confidence in God as our Father, Who loves all men, and is ever ready to help them.

*  Why do we say, "WHO ART IN HEAVEN," since God is every where?  To admonish us to lift up our hearts to heaven, our true home, where God has set up the throne of His kingdom.

*  What do we ask of God in this prayer?

In the first petition, "HALLOWED BE THY NAME," we pray that God may be known and loved by all men, and that His name may be glorified by a Christian life.

In the second petition, "THY KINGDOM COME," we pray God to enter and rule in our hearts by His grace, to spread His Church throughout the whole world, and after our death to award us eternal happiness.

In the third petition, "THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN," we offer ourselves entirely to God, and declare ourselves ready to be subject to the dispositions of His holy will, as are the angels in Heaven, and pray to Him for grace to do this.

In the fourth petition, "GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD," we ask for all things which we need; for the body, as food and clothing, and for the soul, as grace and the divine word.

In the fifth petition, "FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, AS WE FORGIVE THOSE THAT TRESPASS AGAINST US," we pray to God for forgiveness, but only so far as we forgive those that injure us.  We must therefore remember that we shall not obtain forgiveness from God so long as we have in our hearts hatred against anyone.

In the sixth petition, "AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION," we acknowledge our frailty, and ask God to remove temptations from us, or, if He permits us to fall into those which the world, the flesh, and the devil prepare for us, to give us grace not to consent to them, but, by combating and overcoming them, to gain the merit and the crown of justice.

In the seventh petition, "BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL," we pray to God to preserve us from sin, and the occasions of sin; an evil death and hell; also from all temporal evils, so far as may be for the salvation of our souls.

CALL TO ACTION:  At this very moment, take time to pray one "Our Father" fervently and with heartfelt thanksgiving for all of your blessings!

Source:  Goffine's Devout Instructions on the Epistles and Gospels for the Sundays and Holydays, Benzinger Brothers, copyright 1896, pages 233-234 (Nihil Obstat:  Thomas L. Kinkead, Censor Librorum; Imprimatur:  Michael Augustine, Archbishop of New York)

Photo by Patty Brito