28 May

"When the Holy Ghost descended upon the Apostles, He manifested Himself under the form of tongues.  These tongues were of fire, and appeared separated or divided.  Under this appearance the Holy Ghost has wished to teach us how we should correct in ourselves the use of the tongue. . . . From this day act so that under all circumstances your tongue may be inflamed and purified by the fire of the Holy Spirit.  Consider that the tongue portrays the heart, and that by it the state of your soul may be judged.  Moreover, as the tongue is a powerful instrument either for good or evil, it is important that if you should experience interior impatience or sensitiveness, your tongue express nothing of it, for fear of injuring or scandalizing others. . . . Curb, subjugate, and rule your tongue, praying very humbly that the Holy Spirit may deign always to direct and govern it according to His good pleasure."  The Cenacle

CALL TO ACTION:  Implore the Holy Ghost daily to guide your thoughts, words, and actions.

Source:  "Fountain of Living Water" by Rev. A. A. Lambing LL.D., pages 59-60; Fr. Pustet & Co. Publishers and Booksellers (copyright 1907); Nihil Obstat:  Remigius Lafort, S.T.L., Censor; Imprimatur:  John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York