08 May

Last Spring (in 2022) a customer wrote a kind thank-you note in appreciation of my fulfilling my work duties.  Contained in the envelope was also a "Happy Birthday" gift card to Panera Bread.  The grateful customer apologized for the birthday greeting, explaining that the clerk made a mistake.

It just so happened that the day before receiving that note/gift card (Mother's Day), my parents took me out to dinner.  While driving to the restaurant, I mentioned that I was quite distraught on Mother's Day in 2016 because I hadn't heard from my estranged son.  However, I shared with them that I had a very different perspective about our nonexistent relationship this year...  that is, I was very hopeful that we will be reconciled in God's time, according to His Divine Providence.

Well, it turned out that the "Happy Birthday" gift card was no mistake!  It was a message sent from Heaven because Mother's Day coincided with my birthday, as it does every five to six years.  Not only did God wish me "Happy Birthday" through the message on the card, but He gave me the means to take my mother to Panera Bread to celebrate her birthday (an event already discussed for the upcoming week).  The Heaven-sent gift card also had a security code of 5088...  so close to my own birthday of 05/08.

I marvel at the workings of God...  what consolation in accepting His will when suffering heartache.  One of my favorite prayers is:  "Practice the virtue of patience, for patience proves hope, and hope permits us not to be put to shame.  Patience always gains the victory, and will be rewarded in Heaven."

CALL TO ACTION:  Give thanks to God always, no matter the circumstances!

Photo by George Zheng