09 Aug

St. John Mary Vianney (whose feast day is today) explains how we may recognize if we are of the Holy Ghost or of the world.


*  Look on the world as of more consequence than Heaven

*  Are attached to transitory things and accumulate the treasures and possessions of this world

*  Strive after joys and pleasures of this life

*  Live a tepid life, forgetful of God

*  Speak the language of the world and devil (in derisive discourses on the holy Faith, in unchaste conversation and stories, in curses and maledictions, in blasphemies against God and everything sacred to a Christian, in slander and in inducing his neighbor to do wrong)

"...know you not that the friendship of this world is the enemy of God?  Whosoever therefore will be a friend of this world, becometh an enemy of God."  (James 4:4)

"No man can serve two masters.  For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon."  (Matthew 6:24)

"My kingdom is not of this world..."  (John 18:36)

"He that is not with Me, is against Me; and he that gathereth not with Me, scattereth."  (Luke 11:23)

"By their fruits you shall know them..."  (Matthew 7:16)


*  Avoid mortal sin, especially those sins against purity

*  Do penance and reflect on what they have lost through their sins

*  Live a pious life and fear God

*  Are adorned with virtues and good works

*  Are humble and at peace with their neighbors

*  Are pure in heart and chaste according to their state of life

*  Pray, especially for the gifts of the Holy Ghost

*  Have a firm faith, hope in God's mercy, and love God and their neighbor

CALL TO ACTION:   Make a list of what you do with your free time; reflect on what you think about most.  Now consider if you are of the world or of the Holy Ghost?  There is no sitting on the fence...

Source:  Content from St. John Mary Vianney's sermon, "Children of the Holy Ghost"

Photo by Mostafa Yekrangi