30 Nov

"Hail, precious cross, that hast been consecrated by the body of my Lord, and adorned with His limbs as with rich jewels, I come to thee exulting and glad; receive me with joy into thy arms.  O good cross, that has received beauty from our Lord's limbs!  I have ardently, loved thee; now thou art found by me, and art made ready for my longing soul; receive me into thy arms, taking me from among men, and presenting me to my Master; that He who redeemed me on thee may receive me by thee."

CALL TO ACTION:  Embrace trials, tribulations, and sufferings with all thy heart!

Source:  "Fountain of Living Water" by Rev. A. A. Lambing LL.D., page 285; Fr. Pustet & Co. Publishers and Booksellers (copyright 1907); Nihil Obstat:  Remigius Lafort, S.T.L., Censor; Imprimatur:  John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York 

Photo by Dmitry Tomashek