14 Sep

While praying the Mass prayers, we remember Christ's Passion and stand at the foot of Our Lord's most Holy Cross...

The Priest Goes to the Foot of the Altar...  Jesus enters the Garden

At the Beginning of Mass...  Prayer of Jesus in the Garden

At the Confiteor...  Jesus prostrated in the Garden

The Priest kisses the Altar...  Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss

The Priest goes to the Epistle side...  Jesus is dragged to prison

At the Introit...  Jesus receives a blow

At the Kyrie Eleison...  Jesus is denied thrice by St. Peter

At the Dominus Vobiscum...  Jesus looks at Peter; touches his heart

The Epistle...  Jesus is conducted to the house of Pilate

At the Munda Cor Meum...  Jesus is led to Herod

At the Gospel...  Jesus is mocked as a fool, and sent back to Pilate

The Priest uncovers the Chalice...  Jesus is stripped of His garments

At the Offertory...  Jesus is scourged

The Priest offers the Chalice...  Jesus is crowned with thorns

The Priest washes his fingers...  Pilate washes his hands

At the Orate Fratres...  Pilate says to the Jews, ―Behold the Man

At the Preface...  Jesus is condemned to death

At the Memento for the living...  Jesus carries His Cross

At the Communicantes...  Veronica wipes the face of Jesus with a linen cloth

The Priest makes the sign of the cross over the chalice...  Jesus is nailed to the Cross

At the elevation of the Host...  The Cross of Jesus elevated between heaven, earth

The elevation of the Chalice...  The Blood of Jesus flows from His Wounds

At the Memento for the Dead...  Jesus prays for the souls of mankind

At the Novis Quoque Peccatoribus...  The conversion of the thief

At the Pater Noste...  The Seven Words of Jesus

At the Division of the Host...  Jesus expires on the Cross

The priest puts a particle of the Host into the Chalice...  The Soul of Jesus descends into Limbo

The Agnus Dei...  The conversion of many

At the Communion...  Jesus is buried

At the Ablution...  Jesus is embalmed

After the Communion...  Resurrection of Jesus Christ

At the Dominus Vobiscum...  Jesus appears to His Disciples

At the Postcommunion...  Jesus converses for forty days with His disciples

The Last Dominus Vobiscum...  Jesus ascends into Heaven

At the Priest‘s Blessing...  The descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles.

Call to Action:  Pray the Stations of the Cross each Friday.

Source:  Key of Heaven, 1924

Photo by Boguslaw Nowak