06 Apr

"Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets.   I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them."   (Matthew 5:17) 

Our Lord's most precious gift, the Holy Eucharist, was instituted on Holy Thursday, but It was prefigured in the Old Testament:

"A figure thereof was the fruit of the tree of life planted in Paradise, by the food of which men, in a state of innocence, were to be nourished, and to bloom with life, that they might preserve themselves from death, and thus secure immortality.

A figure thereof was the bread and wine offered by Melchisedech, the priest and king:  priest of the Most High, king of Salem, king of peace.

A figure thereof was the Paschal Lamb, the Lamb without blemish, which was both offered and eaten:  which was to be consumed neither raw nor cooked, but prepared with fire:  and they that eat the same were to have their loins girded, shoes on their feet, staves in their hands, as if in readiness to go on a journey.

A figure thereof was the Manna in the desert, which fell every day from heaven, possessed the pleasantness of every kind of savor, was called the bread of Angels, of which neither he that gathered more than the usual measure had more, nor he that collected less than another possessed less.

A figure thereof was the Ark of the Covenant, wherein the Majesty of God was honored between the Cherubim; and whence He was wont, day and night, to impart to His people propitiation, aid, and comfort.

Lastly, a figure thereof was the bread baked under the ashes, whereby the Prophet was freed from his faintness and depression of spirit; and, endowed with new vigor, walked, on the strength of that food, even to the mountain of God."

CALL TO ACTION:  Make an Act of Spiritual Communion at least once each day.

Source:  "Imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus" by Rev. Peter J. Arnoudt, S.J., pages 522-523; Benzinger Brothers, Inc. (copyright 1904); Nihil Obstat:  Remy Lafort, Censor Liborum; Imprimatur John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York. 

Photo by Lennon Caranzo