13 Nov

In our everyday lives, how often do we hear the expressions:  these are my "kids"; I'm taking my "kids" to practice; I have to pick up my "kids" from school, etc.?  Do we really know what we are calling our precious children?

In remembering the birth of my son 22 years ago today, I regret my ignorance related to this topic while raising him.  I'm thankful, though, that I stumbled across an article on jmjsite.com that awakened me to the spiritual difference between children and kids.  In Scripture, not once do we find the word "kids" when referring to children.  On the contrary, we find this verse from St. Matthew 25:32 -- "And all nations shall be gathered together before Him, and He shall separate them one from another, as the shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats."  Parents... "kids" are the offspring of goats!

As a child, I was reprimanded with the phrase "watch your language."  So too, I offer a salutary warning to all parents -- be careful not to call your children, "kids," predisposing them to be among the reprobate in hell.

CALL TO ACTION:  Share this insight with a friend so we may call our dear ones what they really are...  children of God!

Photo by Andrew Stapleton