28 Nov

It is with sadness that I concede that my youth did not include the beautiful Catholic custom of using an Advent wreath with its accompanying prayers to help meditate on the significance of this season.  On the contrary, I was swept away by celebrating Christmas BEFORE it happened, keeping in step with the world's insatiable materialism, "ho, ho, ho's," and gift giving.  Is it any wonder that when Christmas day finally arrived, I was let down after all the gifts were opened?  It was far from my mind that Jesus need be the main recipient of our heartfelt gifts -- of love, of service, and of obedience...  after all, it was HIS birthday!

As with many aspects of the Catholic Faith, I find it fascinating that the meaning of each season can be found in the sacramentals surrounding it.  For this season, the clues can be found in the wreath itself, which points to a commemoration of Jesus' first Advent of mercy and an anticipation of His second one of justice:

*  The circular wreath symbolizes God in His eternity, without beginning nor end; its green color depicts our hope in God

*  The four candles mark the Church's four week Advent season, and also elude to the thousands of years mankind awaited its Messias

*  The candles represent the light of God coming into the world through the birth of His Son; the word "Adventus" in Latin means coming, approach, arrival

*  The three purple candles signify the penance that is obliged upon the entire human race after the original sin of Adam & Eve

*  The one rose candle, lit on Gaudete Sunday, portrays a reprieve in the midst of our penance and waiting, allowing us moderated joy

*  A white candle lit on Christmas Day expresses Jesus as the light of the world, our reconciliation with God!

I thank God for the grace of being awakened to my spiritual duty during this season:  "... but unless you shall do penance, you shall all likewise perish"  (Luke 13:3)

CALL TO ACTION:  Beware of how the devil inverts all that is good, right, and true; celebrate Jesus' birthday with Holy Mother Church during the true Christmas season --  from Christmas Eve until the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Feb. 2nd)* or until the 6th Sunday after Pentecost!**

*  Source:  St. Andrew's Daily Missal, copyright 1949, page 32 (Nihil Obstat:  J. Gerard Kealy, D.D., Cens. Theol. Deput.; Imprimatur:  Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Archrepiscopus Chicagiensis)

**  Source:  Goffine's Devout Instructions on the Epistles and Gospels, copyright 1896, page 15 (Nihil Obstat:  Thomas L. Kinkead, Censor Librorum; Imprimatur:  Michael Augustine, Archbishop of New York)

Photo by Kalisa Veer