13 Jul

In 2012, Colorado Springs experienced the Waldo Canyon Fire.  At that time, I remember looking at the mountains and seeing flames rise above them (similar to the photo shown).  I recall thinking to myself that I was looking at an image of hell.  In reading from "My Daily Bread," I share this concise excerpt of why hell was created and what it will be like...

"2.  Hell was made for the devil and his rebel angels.  Man was made for Heaven.  In refusing to live for Heaven, a man chooses to exist without Me.  He shall have his wish -- he shall join the rebel angels in hell.  In refusing to follow My law, a man actually turns his back on Me as the fallen angels did.  If he dies in this condition, he condemns himself to hell.  The jury which convicts him is his own sinful life.  I merely pronounce sentence on what he himself has chosen.

3.  There is nothing on earth which can compare with hell.  It is beyond all description.  One must see it to know it.  Though I may try to give you some small idea of it in this chapter, remember, this is a tiny and very imperfect idea of the real thing.  Words fall far short of the reality which is hell.  I make no threats here.  I simply want you to face this fact:  Unless you live for Heaven, you shall one day be in hell.

4.  All the sufferings known to man are as nothing in comparison with the sufferings of hell.  The wise man would rather bear any trial on earth than place himself in danger of hell.  One single hour of hell will be harder than a hundred years of suffering on earth.  In this earthly life people have some rest from their labors and trials.  They get some measure of consolation from their friends.  In hell, however, there is no rest, no consolation, and no friends.

5.  The fires of hell will never die.  There will be no end to suffering.  One will find no comfort in knowing that he has been there a thousand years.  He can never hope for an end to his tortures.  All the other sufferings would be bearable if only the damned could hope for relief.  Despair is hell's bitterest pain.

6.  In hell a man will be punished through the same faults by which he sinned on earth.  Each sin will have its own particular torment.  The lazy will be forced to work continuously.  The gluttonous will be tormented with extreme hunger and thirst.  The proud will be filled with confusion, and the greedy will feel the pinch of miserable want.

7.  And yet, the worst pain of hell is none of these.  The people in hell would gladly bear all of this and much more if only they could hope for My friendship and love, no matter how long it might take, be it even a billion years from now.  Their keenest torment is that they have forever lost Me, the Source of all true joy and perfect happiness.  This suffering makes hell the home of despair and undying hatred.

8.  My child, follow My Will in your daily life, and you need never fear hell. [...]  Do not condemn yourself to hell by refusing to obey My directions.  I love you dearly.  Do not prevent Me from taking you to Heaven."


"...Thus saith the Lord:  Behold I set before you the way of life, and the way of death."  (Jeremias 21:8).

Choose wisely!

Source:  Quote above from "My Daily Bread" by Anthony J. Paone, S.J. (1954), pages 47-49; Confraternity of the Precious Blood (copyright 2015); TAN Books (publisher); Imprimatur:  Thomas Edmundus Molloy, S.T.D., Archiepiscopus-Episcopus Brooklyniensis; Nihil Obstat:  Martin J. Healy, S.T.D., Censor Librorum

Photo by Marek Piwnicki