06 Oct

I had a conversation with a family member about how a person knows that the Holy Ghost is living within them.  At the time, I shared the Scripture verse that by their fruits you will know them.  Afterwards, however, I came across the following comparison from "My Daily Bread" that makes the distinction a bit clearer:

Nature is selfish.  It will try to enjoy everything on earth and still gain Heaven.  Even when sin is involved, nature attempts to make excuses for self and looks for reasons to favor self.

Grace simply looks for My Will, turning away from all occasions of sin and self-deception.

Nature hates all restraint.  It wants to follow its own likes, its own desires, and its own will.

Grace is interested in self-control, self-conquest, and obedience to authority.  It seeks to please Me in everything and in every way.  It looks for opportunities to suffer something more for My sake.

Nature is interested in self.  It works for its own interests.  In whatever it does, it looks to its own advantage and profit.

Grace follows My interests.  It tries to help as many people as possible, and leaves all self-interest in My hands.

Nature loves honor and respect.

Grace accepts all honor and respect in My name and offers them to Me, knowing that without Me, man is nothing.

Nature is afraid of shame, contempt, or insults.

Grace does not mind such things because it cannot forget how much shame, contempt, and insults I embraced for the sins of men.

Nature loves bodily ease and comfort.

Grace loves to keep busy so that it may present a fuller life to Me.

Nature reaches out for things which are attractive, or curiosities.  It is repelled by what is ordinary and inexpensive.

Grace refuses to be drawn too strongly to anything on earth.  It deliberately chooses ordinary things, and even unattractive things, so that it may not become too distracted from Me in daily life.

Nature easily rejoices at gaining and winning things, but frets at any loss.

Grace is not so easily troubled if it loses some worldly advantage, nor is it so disturbed when it must give up an earthly gain.

Nature is irritated at unkind and harsh words,...

...but grace knows how to keep an even temper in the face of cruel and mean persons.

Nature prefers to receive rather than to give.  It likes to have little privileges.

Grace is more ready to give than to receive.  It tries to avoid privileges, and even prefers to have less than others, so as to be more like Me, the King of sacrifice.

Nature wants to have plenty of what it likes.  It is not satisfied with only just enough.

Grace seeks only what it needs to live a good life.

Nature wants many friends and companions.  It prefers those who have power, and flatters those who can give favors.

Grace loves all people.  It even wishes the welfare of enemies.  It honors all men according to their position.  It favors most those who are truly in need of help.  It honors goodness more than goods.  It respects virtue more than talent.

Nature easily complains of its wants and troubles.

Grace is silent before people.  It presents its needs first to Me.

Nature judges each thing according to how it helps self in this earthly life.

Grace values each thing according to how it helps man to follow My Will.

Nature holds on to its own opinions.  It will fight and dispute against anyone who seems to challenge its imagined greatness.

Grace offers its opinions simply, discusses without resentment, and leaves to Me those who disagree.

Nature is curious to know the secrets of others.

Grace prefers to know what My words are and to avoid needless distractions.

Source:  "My Daily Bread," pages 266-271; TAN Books (copyright 2015) -- original publication 1954; Imprimatur:  Thomas Edmundus Molloy, S.T.D., Archiepiscopus-Episcopus, Brooklyniensis; Nihil Obstat:  Martin J. Healy, S.T.D., Censor Librorum; Imprimi Potest:  John J. McMahon, S.J., Provincial, New York Province 

Photo by Michael Krahn