11 Feb

The many miraculous cures wrought in Lourdes, France since 1858 attests to the Blessed Mother's appearance to St. Bernadette Soubirous, and lauds Our Lady's pronouncement "I am the Immaculate Conception."  In recalling these wonders, I thought I'd share a physical ailment that I've had since my early teens, and one in which I still endure...  migraines.

In the past, these headaches were a source of dread, anxiety, and consternation.  Initially, I sought help from the medical industrial complex, but to no avail.  More recently, an improved diet has made things somewhat better, but I'm still not relieved of them completely, unlike many of those healed at Lourdes.  With regret, I must admit that I did not seek God's help in prayer as the most efficacious means.

Yet despite my neglect, and in God's loving-kindness, He gave me something more precious than any cure --  the grace to be grateful for headaches!  Now when Divine Providence provides for one, my days of pain and discomfort become extremely meaningful.  I see my "down time" as a gift to reflect on what God is trying to tell me, to thank Him for knowing what is best for me, and to offer up my sufferings with patience in imitation of Our Lord.

Having continued to do this over the last several years, and because God is never outdone in generosity, He has further blessed me with yet another gem -- in sickness, I recognize the opportunity to prepare for death!  That is, I can practice the inevitable combat I will face when the devil tempts me against Faith, insights me to despair, and tries my patience when I'm in a state of weakness.

I can't say I'm always successful at combating temptation when my sickness lingers, but I am assured that through prayer and with God's help, "I can do all these things in Him who strengtheneth me."  (Philippians 4:13)

CALL TO ACTION:  When suffering in any way, pray with gratitude, "Thy Will be done, O Lord, Thy Will be done!"

Photo by Hans Moerman