08 Dec

"Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets.   I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them."  (Matthew 5:17)

The Old Testament "Ark of the Covenant" contained:

1)  Manna  (Hebrews 9:4)

2)  The Word of God -- the Ten Commandments  (Hebrews 9:4)

3)  The rod of Aaron that sprouted and came back to life  (Hebrews 9:4)

The New Testament "Ark of the Covenant"  (the Blessed Virgin Mary) contained:

1)  Jesus, the bread of life  (John 6:48)

2)  Jesus, the Word of God made flesh  (John 1:14)

3)  Jesus, the ruler with an iron rod Who came back to life after being crucified  (Revelation 12:5)

David heads to the hills of Juda.  (2 Samuel 6:2)

The Blessed Virgin Mary heads to the hills of Juda.  (Luke 1:39)

David says, "How shall the ark of the Lord come to me?"  (2 Samuel 6:9)

St. Elizabeth says, "And whence is this to me, that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?"  (Luke 1:43)

The ark stayed for three months.  (2 Samuel 6:11)

The Blessed Virgin Mary stayed about three months.  (Luke 1:56)

David dances with all his might in front of the ark.  (2 Samuel 6:14)

St. John the Baptist in the womb of St. Elizabeth leaps for joy at the sound of the Blessed Virgin Mary's voice.  (Luke 1:44)

CALL TO ACTION:  Read the "Mystical City of God" series (written by Sister Mary of Jesus) to learn more about the many mysteries surrounding the Blessed Virgin Mary that are not contained in the Bible.

Photo by Dan Meyers