29 Jul

"Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets.   I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them."   (Matthew 5:17)

It was not long ago that I was unaware of biblical "typology," which can be summarized by the Scripture quote above.  Once discovered, however, Scripture "types" fascinated me, seeing that the Old Testament was so interconnected with the New.  Upon discovering this gem, the Bible was thrown wide open to the messages hidden within these parallels.  To give you an example:

"As God created man on the sixth day of creation, so on Good Friday, the sixth day of Holy Week, He redeemed him.  And as the body of the first Adam was formed from the earth whilst it was yet pure and blessed, so was Jesus Christ, the second Adam, born of Mary, a virgin, pure and without original sin."

CALL TO ACTION:  Take 15 minutes each day to read the Gospels.  An indulgence of 300 days (once a day) and a plenary indulgence (once a month) is given for this effort.  (Pope Leo XIII, December 13, 1898 -- Raccolta)

Source:  "Bible History," page 8, Benzinger Brothers (copyright 1881); Approbation by Pope Leo XIII

Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann