21 Dec

A set of Jehovah witnesses stopped by my parents' house last winter, asking to speak with my father.  In attempting to find common ground to share the Catholic Faith, I asked if Jesus started one Church.  We were in agreement that He had, so I proceeded to question why there are so many different ones out there?  Furthermore, why would I be interested in theirs?

One of the two boys shared that he had never felt as good in any other church, so he was confident he was in the right one.  I said, wait a minute.  That logic doesn't necessarily hold true all the time.  I pointed out that when Christ redeemed us on the Cross, the end was of benefit, but the means to get there was anything but feeling good.

Moving on to a another subject, they further told me that their church was one of restoration.  Since it was a cold night and I was alone at home, I didn't feel comfortable inviting two young men into the house to continue the conversation.  I suggested they return some other time; we settled on a Tuesday, my day off work.  Anticipating their return, I pondered what I could say to these two young men.  As of the date of this posting, they have not paid another visit, but I share my thoughts/notes below as a means to help precious souls like these who are lost in false religions by the deceptions of the devil:

*  The definition of "restore" is to bring back into existence; to place in former position; bring back to an original.  Synonyms for "restore" include:  to reconstruct, rejuvenate, repair, mend, fix, reinstate, re-establish, alter, change, improve, and modify.  By its very definition, to "restore" implies there is an ORIGINAL!

*  Their church was founded by a man, someone other than Our Lord Jesus Christ (in their case, it was Joseph Smith in the early 19th century).  This is the case with ALL other churches that have captured hearts and souls and have led them astray...  because the devil always mixes truth with error!

*  Furthermore, since Christ cannot error in His doctrine, nor can His Spouse, the Church, when it speaks on faith and morals, what needs to be "restored?"  The Catholic Church holds to the same truths, dogmas and doctrine since the time of the Apostles; and truth doesn't change!  Over time, the Catholic Church, guided by the Holy Ghost, has only explained for greater clarity and understanding the SAME deposit of Faith:

"But the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring all things to your mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you."  (John 14:26)


"Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able."  (Luke 13:24)

CALL TO ACTION:  Open the door of your heart to the only saving Faith of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.  As a starting point, read the book "Where We Got the Bible" by the Right Reverend Henry G. Graham.

Photo by K. Adams