13 Feb

Our Lord to Sister Marie of St. Pierre:

"I firmly wish that my Face reflecting the intimate pains of my Soul, the suffering and love of my Heart, be more honored!  Whosoever gazes upon me, already consoles me."

Sister Marie of St. Pierre:  "He showed me the excellence of the Work of Reparation; how it surpasses all other devotions, is agreeable to God, to the angels, the saints, and is useful to the Church." (page 355)

"The Jews crucified Me on Friday; but the Christians crucify Me on Sunday."  (page 371)

"I seek Veronicas to wipe and honor My Divine Face, which has few adorers."  (page 360)

"According to the care you will take to make reparation to My Face, disfigured by blasphemy, I will take (care) of your soul, disfigured by sin.  I will re-imprint My likeness upon it, and make it as beautiful as when it came forth from the baptismal font.  There are men skilled in restoring health to the body, but I alone am the 'healer of souls.'  I alone can renew in them the image of God, effaced by sin."  (page 362)

"...I have taken upon My Head all the sins of mankind, in order that My members may be spared.  Therefore offer My Face to My Father, for this is the means of appeasing Him."  (page 365)

"Every time you offer My Face to My Father, I will open My mouth to demand mercy."  (page 373)

"...Ask of My Father for as many souls as I have shed drops of blood in My Passion."  (page 365)

"As in earthly kingdoms, one can obtain what he wills with coin stamped with the king's effigy, so with the precious coin of My sacred Humanity, whose effigy is My adorable Face, one can obtain in the Kingdom of Heaven all the he desires." (page 361)

"Those who will contemplate the wounds of My Face on earth shall one day contemplate it radiant with glory in Heaven."  (page 374)

Promises of Jesus to those devoted to His most Holy Face .

1.  I will grant them contrition so perfect, that their very sins shall be changed in My sight into jewels of precious gold.

2.  None of these persons shall ever be separated from Me.

3.  In offering My Face to My Father, they will appease His anger and they will purchase as with celestial coin, pardon for poor sinners.

4.  I will open My Mouth to plead with my Father to grant all the petitions that they will present to Me.

5.  I will illuminate them with My light.  I will consume them with My love.  I will render them fruitful of good works.

6.  They will, as the pious Veronica, wipe My adorable Face outraged by sin, and I will imprint My divine Features in their souls.

7.  At their death, I will renew in them the image of God effaced by sin.

8.  By resemblance to My Face, they will shine more than many others in eternal life and the brilliance of My Face will fill them with joy.

CALL TO ACTION:  When you hear God's holy name being blasphemed or a Sunday or Holy Day being profaned, make reparation by a heartfelt prayer like...  Admirable is Thy name O Lord, admirable is Thy name; or Heavenly Father, I offer Thy Son's most beloved Face in reparation for the blasphemies committed against Thy most Holy Name and against the profanation of Sundays and Holy Days.  Also, you may pray the Golden Arrow prayer.

Source of above quotes in black:  "The Manual of the Holy Face," Saint Paul Press, Dallas, TX (first printing, 2018); effort was made to seek permission to quote the above, but the phone number for saintpaulpresspublishers.com was invalid.

Source of above quotes in purple:  From the works of St. Gertrude, St. Mechtilde, and from the writings of Sister Maria of Saint Pierre

Photo by K. Mitch Hodge