29 Feb

Imagine how many in our world today look like this in the eyes of God...  it only takes ONE grievous sin (without repentance and amendment of life) to send someone to hell for all eternity...

*  Adultery - "marrying" more than once

*  Blasphemy

*  Contentions

*  Discensions

*  Drunkenness

*  Effeminism

*  Emulations - asking help from fortune tellers (this is asking help from the devil, rather than from God, the Blessed Mother, and the Saints)

*  Enmities

*  Envies

*  Fornication - also males and females living together when unmarried

*  Idolatry - all worship other than the Catholic faith is the worship of devils; if God created one Church, why do you frequent another?

*  Ignorance - as a Christian, not knowing the Creed, the Pater Noster, and the Hail Mary

*  Immodesty (and immodest jests)

*  Injustice - injury done to the property and reputation of others; contracts completed with remorse of conscience

*  Luxury

*  Not keeping holy the Lord's Day (doing unnecessary servile work on Sundays)

*  Murder - both physical and through anger

*  Quarrels

*  Rancours - feelings of hate and continuing anger about something in the past 

*  Resisting the known truth (a sin directly against the Holy Ghost); "Today if you shall hear His voice, harden not your hearts."

*  Revenge and Vindictive Thoughts (having or showing a wish to harm someone because you think that they harmed you; unwilling to forgive)

*  Revilings

*  Scandal - in dress, in language, in perverse actions

*  Sects (a blasphemy against the Holy Ghost) - opposition/separation from God's holy Church through apostacy, heresy, and secession.  Related to these sins are profane jesting concerning religion, ridiculing holy things, atheistic views, which though not as horrible, still possess the very nature of this blasphemy and tend toward the great unpardonable ones.

*  Speaking obscenely and injuriously to the character of one's neighbor

*  Stealing (without making restitution)

*  Uncleanness (pride)

*  Witchcrafts

*  Wrath

"He who is abandoned by sin before he abandons it, condemns it not freely, but through necessity."  (St. Augustine)