03 Feb

"Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets.   I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them."  (Matthew 5:17)

While others were in danger of perishing on a boat, both Jonas and Jesus slept and were awakened.  Jonas delivered those in peril by commanding that he be thrown overboard; Christ, at His command and by the mystery of what He suffered, delivered his awakeners from the tempest.

Source:  "The Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers,"  page 322 (St. Jerome's sermon), Henry Regnery Co. (copyright 1957); Nihil Obstat:  Jacobus Canonicus Bastible, Censor Deputatus; Imprimatur:  Cornelius Ep. Corcagiensis.

"Jonas was cast into the sea that, by the loss of one, the crew might be saved.   By the sacrifice of Christ the world was redeemed.  Jonas was three days in the whale's belly; Christ was three days in the tomb."

Source:  "Bible History," page 95, Benzinger Brothers (copyright 1881); Approbation by Pope Leo XIII.

Photo by Bart Van Meele