06 Jan

"We are here solely for the purpose of fearing God, serving Him, keeping His commandments, doing His Will in all things, loving Him above all things, and so, after this short life, enjoying Him forever in Heaven."  (Father Francis Hunolt)

As a child, I played the board game, "Life."  Included in the box, came instructions on how to play.  If I didn't follow the rules, you could say I was no longer playing "Life" as designed.

I extrapolate...

The reality of life is quite simple.  God made us, so we are His property.  It is His prerogative to do with us as He chooses.  He established but one Church containing all truth.  In It are the rules of daily conduct, with further instructions to be found there if sought.  If we abide by God's rules, we receive an everlasting reward and "win" the game, and if not, we "lose" and suffer everlasting loss.  Opinions about the rules, agreement with them, or even ignoring them matter not in the least.  It is simply our responsibility to follow God's rules, period.

On the contrary, "make believe" is when everyone gets to imagine and formulate their own reality.  In "make believe," the rules can vary from day to day, and others can even impose their rules -- make others believe -- what they want the rules to be.  In "make believe," definitions change, truth changes (as if truth could ever change!), rules are interpreted by individuals willy nilly, circumstances contradict one another, chaos ensues, and confusion abounds.

The choice is before us; we win or lose depending on whether we live by the Originator's rules or if we play "make believe" in la la land.  Indeed, our lives hang in the balance between Heaven and hell...  and just because the Scorekeeper remains silent for a time about the infringement of His rules, doesn't mean that the score isn't being tabulated.  In the end, judgment will be passed using His rules!

"The Lord shall be known when he executeth judgments:  the sinner hath been caught in the works of his own hands."  (Psalms 9:17)

"...He shall not judge according to the sight of the eyes, nor reprove according to the hearing of the ears.  But he shall judge the poor with justice, and shall reprove with equity for the meek of the earth:  and he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked.  And justice shall be the girdle of his loins:  and faith the girdle of his reins."  (Isaias 11:3-5)

CALL TO ACTION:  Choose to be guided by the one true Church and obey ALL God's rules, even if you don't understand them!

Photo by Randy Fath